I agree with @davidlevine on this. Curation is everywhere. With 2.92 billion people currently capable of Internet “creation”, curation is essential. Curation of art. Curation of fun pop music to drive to the beach by. Curation of everything. What is e-flux? Isn’t it curation of ideas?
The article that @Svetlana referenced above is also very thoughtful on this. It worries about
a serious risk of diminishing the space of art by undermining the agency of its producers: artists
I wonder how real this distinction is? Don’t all forms of media have “Creators” and “Gatekeepers”? We can call those gatekeepers “Curators” or “Music A&R Executives” or “Studio Chiefs” or “Book Publishers”… in many cases their judgement determines whose work gets seen. Sometimes an artist in any media can achieve a level of success beyond the gatekeepers, but for most artists most of the time, they need the validation of the gatekeepers.
The Internet has allowed everyone (or the 2.92 / 7.125 billion person part of humankind that’s currently wired anyway) to speak. But the more people who speak, the more being heard becomes something to negotiate. Which is why we’re having this conversation on e-flux instead of on an individual’s blog.